
Well, Hello

Fellow Photogs!

Hello, it's me again. If you're wanting to start a photography business, or just want to learn how to take pictures for yourself you're in the right place. Before I was a photographer I was a stay-at-home mom that needed to help my husband out financially. Living paycheck to paycheck wasn't the life I wanted for us.

I picked up the camera my husband bought me for my birthday and began taking pictures of everything and anything! I started off in auto, portrait, and then shortly learned the knowledge I needed to become better and to grow as a photographer.

That is what I plan to share with y'all. How do you go from wanting to start photography to actually doing it? I'm here to help! I had to start this business from the ground up all on my own. Being self taught I would love to share my tips and tricks with you.

If you are interested follow the link below and fill out the application, I can't wait to hear back from you!